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This Friday marks SEVEN WEEKS since pubs and restaurants were forced to close. A decision that needed to be made, and one that has undoubtedly helped save many lives and ease the pressure on the NHS.
However, the closure of pubs has hit hard.

Wye Valley Brewery has passionately championed pubs since 1985, and is why we brew beer specifically to be enjoyed as perfectly poured pints, straight from cask and keg. Unfortunately, that meant 85% of our revenue dried up overnight, and the livelihoods of all the publicans we’ve worked hard to support over the last 35 years, suddenly hung in the balance.

Like so many businesses, we’ve had to furlough most of our staff, whilst trying to keep things ‘ticking over’ and doing our bit to supply pubs offering a takeaway service (which we know many of you are happily supporting!). And we’re pleased to say we are doing just that… Ticking over… Keeping our head above water…

But we couldn’t do it without your support. Which brings us on to what we really wanted to say…


Thank you for buying our bottles in your local shop…

Thank you for all your positive and kind comments…

And thank you for your patience!

We know many of you are eager to get hold of our new mini kegs, which sold out in just a few hours last Friday. That’s because our mini kegs have also been proving extremely popular with pubs. So if you’ve been unable to buy direct from us, please check with your local pub who may be selling them as part of their takeaway service.

In the meantime, we’re doing all we can, with just a very small team (and whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines), to keep brewing, racking, bottling and delivering your favourite beers.

We promise our Butty Bach and HPA mini kegs will be back in stock very soon…Please watch this space for announcements next week… PLUS, news of a third mini keg!!! Until then… #staysafe

Team WVB

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